9 Tips to Prevent the Spread of Germs at School

With the spread of several illnesses during the ever changing weather of the winter season, we want to provide parents with 9 tips to share with their children to prevent the spread of germs at school.  Custodial and maintenance staff try their best to keep the school clean and disinfected as much as possible, but we can all do our part to help.  When looking at the list, #1 is definitely deserves to be at the top of the list as it has the highest priority!  Reminding children to wash their hands, especially after using the restroom, eating, or working/playing in a common area (where several hands may have touched items).  We have hand sanitizer in most of our classrooms and encourage students to use it to fight germs.
In addition to what is stated on #9, please be sure to keep your child at home if they are running a fever or have been vomiting.  If a child is sent home due to fever, they must be fever-free (without the help of medicine) for 24 hours before they can return to school (same rule applies to vomiting/diarrhea).  We definitely want them in school, but not if they are contagious to others or get through a normal school day without any issues.  Thank you in advance for helping us keep a healthy campus and our attendance rate high!